Baked Granola

Granola, Baked


Granola, Baked



Mix together in large bowl:

4 cups old fashioned oatmeal

4 cups quick oatmeal

1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

½ cup sunflower seeds

1 cup chopped walnuts or almonds

Blend smooth in a blender:

 2 ripe bananas

1 ½ tsp. salt or less

1 cup soft pitted dates

½ cup water

Mix all together and spread on 2 large cookie sheets.  Bake at 200 for 90 minutes, stirring and switching places in the oven every 30 minutes.  I turn the oven off at this time and leave it alone until the next day in the oven to make sure it is cool and dry.  Store in a jar or plastic bag.